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quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

Hipertexto / atividade 5

a Matter of Global Responsibility
In recent years, a crucial environmental problem has been an object of study among climate scientists: global warming.Our planet is surrounded by an atmosphere and this mixture of gases includes carbon dioxide (CO2). For thousands of years CO2 , and other gases have trapped solar heat in the atmosphere, keeping our planet temperature at around 15º Celsius. As a result, Earth has been habitable. However, by burning coal, gas and oil and by clearing forests, we have increased the amount of CO2, in our planet’s atmosphere. According to climate scientists, the levels of CO2, have risen by around 30 percent in the last 200 years. The increase of CO2 has warmed Earth’s atmosphere. The global average temperature is now about 0.6ºC higher than it was one hundred years ago. This change is called global warming.
For further information, please access:

Read the informative text again and do the activities. You can click on the underlined words to help you .
1) Underline words similar to Portuguese in the text.

2)Fill in the chart with information from the text.

A______________of around 15ºC. Earth is __________.
More___________of coal,gas, and Higher____________
Oil, an more clearing of_________. _________________.
The increase of ______________. ________temperature

3)Share ideas with a classmate.

a)In your opinion, are people in general aware of the global situation?
b)Are people trying to change attitude in order to save the planet?
c)What can we do to stop the global warming?
d)What’s your opinion about the future of our planet?

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Multiplicadora Tecnológica( Rede Municipal ) Profª de Inglês ( Rede Privada ) Escola Municipal Evaldo Salles / Escola Canto dos Pássaros
